Era 1983, numa pequena vila onde predominava o verde dos campos e dos arbustos que os envolviam.  No meio daqueles campos todos, existia um em que a sua beleza sobressaía, apesar de parecer comum a olho nu. Este campo era coberto por...

: 00:58 Tue, 26 March 2024 / par: Pires Mariana / age: 18

Regresso às origens

  ATO I Cena I Avó Alice, Maria e Eva (Junto à lareira, a avó Alice espera com impaciência e ansiedade a chegada das suas netinhas. De repente, sente que chegou um carro, o cão ladra...

: 00:19 Tue, 26 March 2024 / par: Cruz Maria / age: 17

O espelho atrofiante

Galante, sobrio e repousado. Cujo Brilho me deixou pasmado. Quem se atreveu a roubar o brilho Ontem ao cair do dia   Ensemeado de ideias, desejo Nao, este espelho e meu O rosto do pays tem vida Na prisao de cristal...

: 00:03 Tue, 26 March 2024 / par: Dampierre Lourenco / age: 27

Will it rain tomorrow?

Of clear days come by, lush memories of verdant land, all of frolick and greenery, once kissed the sky. And a satyr hissed below, "lucky are we for we come to pass, before the day when strikes the blow". With a smile a mile wide, a sneaking...

: 23:58 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Dampierre Lourenco / age: 27

Le destin d'une plume

Est-il de s'échapper ? Dérobée dès son envol, son départ se fait bref, le silence berce sa chute. Sa fuite tourbillonnante trace un espoir de liberté. L'angoisse est son guide, tantôt ma plume...

: 23:47 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Dampierre Lourenco / age: 27

Things I want to scream (but all I do is whisper)

I put my heart in your handsNow I am empty again*Sometimes the feelings burst out of me(I cannot control it)And the only thing that’s leftIs regret regret regret*I will look for you in everythingand everyoneAnd nothing will ever come close.You...

: 23:24 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Schockmel Jana / age: 21


In the late idle summer of my childhood, I found out where heat spent its nights.   Cold, tired, and dressed in salty soaking clothes, my friends and I hauled horse equipment back into the refurbished stall it was stored in. The burning...

: 23:10 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Mazourine Vera / age: 19

Nothing, nowhere, at no time

There is no point in living. There is no point in dying either. There is a point in nothing, everything. I am God, a wortheless one. My thoughts are paradise, and all I'm thinking of is hell. I'm fine as long as I'm not. I'm extremely...

: 22:43 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Tahireddine Camal / age: 24

Au déclin nocturne

Hier, au déclin nocturne, je crayonnaisQuelques lignes insignifiantesEntrelacées en de formes variéesÉtouffant tout ordre de façon contrarianteJe ravivais l’esquisse par de couleurs nuancéesNoyant sa...

: 22:39 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Tahireddine Camal / age: 24

Mon coeur vit

Votre texte poème : Mon coeur vit Mon coeur bats la chamade quand je te vois Tu es là si belle mais si je laisse mon coeur parler que penseras tu de moi que penserez vous de moi Pourtant la seul  que je veux amener...

: 22:38 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Paletta Serena / age: 20


Venez, venez, approchez approchez, écoutez écoutez. Je vais vous raconter quelques idées que j’ai sur quelques sujets. Je me suis pas encore décidé, mais je me permets de vous partager mon ressenti avec des...

: 22:35 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Tahireddine Camal / age: 24

Preuve par l'absurde

Aujourd’hui, je suis ici afin de faire des maths. Et les fondements des maths ce sont les preuves. En maths, on n’accepte rien tant que ce n’est pas prouvé vrai, et on ne rejette rien tant que ce n’est pas...

: 22:31 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Tahireddine Camal / age: 24


In the dawn of night, everywhere coal-black, the only light source in the area was the illuminating, silver moon in the dark blue sky, giving the streets a silvery look. Out of the blue, throughout the gloomy streets, a flash of light was gleaming...

: 22:05 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Bora Culha Bora / age: 16

In the Blink of an Eye

The same pale hand that had once learnt to clutch a pen, with ink stains streaming along the tiny palm; is now clasping a shimmering sword, not only with experience but with considerable expertise.    The same gentle feet that had...

: 21:28 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Foyster Jemima / age: 16

Digitalization of School in Luxembourg

Digitalization of Luxembourg education system: risks and opportunities An essay by Massimo Barbolini S3 EN 1 LLIS   The digitalization of schooling was and still is a huge innovation for the education systems. For students, instead...

: 21:18 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Barbolini Massimo / age: 14


Este poema dedicado a todos que lutam para viver o dia, como uma prima minha neste momento. Verão, inverno, hoje, ontem, amanhã são tempos mas às vesez personificações também. Quem sober pegar a...

: 21:06 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Santos Broas Diogo / age: 24


  Clonalité Par Hugo Bouvier de la Fuente       # - « Bonjour et bienvenue au Moment Technologie présenté par Luc Boffman. Aujourd’hui nous avons un invité...

: 19:32 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Bouvier De La Fuente Hugo / age: 13


Amor em Analogia   Não me consigo recordar quando me tornei tão apaixonada pela escrita e pela leitura. Recordo-me, somente, de na minha infância, ver a minha mãe ler os seus romances antes de adormecer, e...

: 18:11 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Garcia Sara / age: 17

bloody rainbow

Let's talk. Because I won't stand here in front of you if you don't want to listen. If you don't want to try and open your eyes. Don't even dare to look away… people suffer, people die, because of who they are. And you come to me, lying...

: 15:38 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Préponiot-Roche Maëllys / age: 16

Theme Park

Theme Park   As the illuminated, golden sun rose to the clear sky, the symphony of roaring laughter from the almost never-ending lines were already heard. The visitors desperately wait under the burning, searing sun to be transported into...

: 14:56 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Oshkordina Nina / age: 16

Tourist Attraction

   It’s a sultry, parching afternoon in the middle of July in Rome. The sky is azure with a few splashes of white, and there is a warm breeze brushing against my cheek. There are a few separated groups of people standing...

: 14:54 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Aliyeva Elina / age: 16

Ein unendlich langer Weg, den sie alleine geht

Sie geht immer weiter gerade aus Den langen Weg bis zu ihr nach Haus Doch da will sie eigentlich gar nicht hin Tränen fließen über ihre Wangen und tropfen von ihrem Kinn   Gedankenverloren geht sie weiter Schritt...

: 14:49 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Barthelmy Anja / age: 18

The unrecognised object

Tucked away amidst the overgrown foliage of an abandoned park, there sits a forlorn bench, a relic of times long past. Its weathered appearance tells a tale of neglect and indifference, each crack and splinter bearing witness to years of wear and...

: 08:59 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Loïc van Laarhoven / age: 16

Une larme à offrir

Votre texte                          Une larme à offrir     Ce soir, je verse une larme, pour toutes...

: 01:59 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Tchoutedjem Kuissu Baurin Ulrich / age: 23


Sie kommen und gehenOhne zu wissen,Dass sie nichts sehenMitten am Tag.Sie kommen mit LastenOhne zu wissen,Wohin sie hastenMitten am Tag.Sie gehen durch SchauerOhne zu wissen:Regen ist TrauerMitten am Tag.Sie kommen und...

: 00:40 Mon, 25 March 2024 / par: Philipp Johanna / age: 22


Votre texte I have done nothing but think about Arlo since I left Corsica.   It was by the harbor, the old one in Ajaccio, that I saw him for the very last time. He had his back turned to the busy water, the loud buzz of the coming and...

: 23:59 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Hadji Soumaya / age: 21


The first time I see her I am late for class. I am taking the steps two at a time, already sweating even though I’ve just entered the building and it is freezing cold outside. I’m only 5 minutes late, so I shouldn’t be this...

: 23:50 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Schockmel Jana / age: 21

Die drei Schwestern

Die drei Schwestern  °*°  ES WAREN EINMAL in einem weit entfernten Dorf, in welchem immer die Sonne schien, drei Schwestern, die sich wie ein Ei dem andern glichen, doch deren Herzen so unterschiedlich...

: 23:37 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Schaus Caroline Mina / age: 13


Immersed   The universe in one verse   Sonder, is all that keeps me in mere wonder.   What are we, if we are really meant to be?   The traffic light faces changement, the clock runs, But I...

: 23:01 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Barthel Angèle / age: 21


Du musst nur immer weiterlaufen, so schnell du kannst. Dann kannst du unendlich leben. Du musst immer nur einen Schritt weitergehen. Immer und immer wieder. Blick nicht zurück, bleib niemals stehen. Nur dann hast du eine Chance. Eine Chance zu...

: 22:58 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Harpes Anna / age: 17


Warm beams from heaven penetrating through the clouds raining down on my back leaving a residue of crystals from the ocean's depths. Floating, face down lost in the Atlantic Ocean.  Blood which violently gushed out from my body now slowly...

: 22:41 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Alessandro Novelli / age: 16


There’s a crack in my window. I see the chipped glass when I lay naked in bed, when the nights are long with the usual symptoms of not feeling well. At the office I say, Yes Dr. It’s the same; stomach cramps, vertigo,...

: 22:37 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Heim Maxime / age: 26

Dialogue de Sourds (Deaf Talk)

Hues du dann eppes ze soen? the oldest man asks me. Three crop around a table; sipping cans of the cheapest beer money can buy and pluming French cigarette smoke out our mouths   The youngster, who couldn’t grow a...

: 22:35 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Heim Maxime / age: 26

AT THE HAIDRESSER’S. Your hair apparently likes to talk.

    Hairdressers are the place of transformation. You walk in, lustful to change how you look, how you’re perceived, desperate for a revolutionizing cut or colour, be that the half inch off the bottom ends- where when people...

: 22:11 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Klopp Alara / age: 18

Gaia e l'abisso magico

GAIA E L’ABISSO MAGICO In un paesino di campagna vive Gaia, una bambina di nove anni, alta e snella, dai lunghi capelli rossi e mossi. Per il suo compleanno le era stata regalata una nuova bicicletta, più grande rispetto a quella che...

: 21:38 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Adami Martina / age: 16

Due amanti celestti

    Due amanti celesti   Erano una coppia perfetta; Lucio e Selene. Lucio; era un ragazzo allegro che metteva tutti a loro agio. Selene; timida e insicura, però tutti le volevano bene; perchè potevano...

: 21:28 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Frittella Eleonora / age: 15

Die Erde keucht

LNB, 5C2, in der Klasse von Frau Romy Thill   Die Erde von heute wird von Lügen erhellt Menschen werden von Panzern umstellt Die Menschheit verliert sich im digitalen Zwielicht Und niemand redet mehr von irgendeiner...

: 21:25 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: DOENCH Victor / age: 15

Pourquoi nos chemins se séparent ?

Pourquoi nos chemins se séparent ?   Le silence s’installe dans tes bras, Je m’envole dans tes yeux délicats. Je respire ton odeur virulente, Je m’attriste quand tu t’éloignes de...

: 21:01 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Ngoumela Djenabou Precillia / age: 23

A Nossa Sociedade Atual

Não gosto desta sociedade.   Agem como se tudo estivesse bem, mesmo estando à beira do colapso. Criam regras, limites e esperam que todos os cumpram, menos eles, para depois eles próprios apontarem o erro dos outros...

: 20:49 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Rodrigo Marinheira / age: 15

Meine Flüchtlingsschwestern


: 20:45 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Santos Van Bruwaene Irina / age: 14

Von heut'auf morgen

Moien, Mir sinn 2 Schülerinnen  ( Sandt Maya / Glod Emma )aus em LNB Classe 5C2 vun der Madamm Thill an hu folgend Gedicht geschriwwen:   Von heut’ auf morgen   Von heute auf morgen, Gab es überall...

: 20:38 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Sandt Maya / age: 15

Sans titre

Sans titre   Une arrivée  Une promesse  Une patience Une déception    Un cycle que vous répètez Une petite fille  Remplie d’espoir  De vos mots bien...

: 20:32 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Jacquemard Nawel / age: 19

La sœur

  La sœur   Tu es crispé sous la douleur délicieuse  De ce froid au contact de ta peau  Que tu fais glisser pour libérer l’impureté  Qui règne sur ton...

: 20:29 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Jacquemard Nawel / age: 19

Je suis là

Je suis là Je suis là  J’y croyais pas  Et pourtant  Je respire    Tu es là  J’y croyais pas  Et pourtant  Tu respires    Tu...

: 20:24 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Jacquemard Nawel / age: 19

The End…

Our reign shall be cut short With no support  No last resort We shall have to abort  Life itself  We shall have been thwarted By the eternal universe So leave your mark Upon the stone And take your chance to...

: 20:21 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Stanford Charlotte / age: 13


  Souvenir   L’obscurité de ta signification Une partie de nous figée Ce sentiment d’insatisfaction Qui fait partie du passé   La féminité de ce mot A bien...

: 20:19 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Jacquemard Nawel / age: 19

Père Lachaise Tango

Le métro démarre, son moteur siffle et s’enfonce dans le noir d’un grondement vertigineux. Il vole au passage le bruit des pas empressés de notre protagoniste. Celui-ci cherche les indications pour les sorties, voit...

: 20:18 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Lambert Cédric / age: 24

Eve's Apple

  I was craving back then. Its crimson curves pulsed among the leaves alluring me to give in to its pleas. My eyes were starry whirls, Wells of wonder, Not to be drowned.   I was ripe. But he was...

: 20:16 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Michèle Feltes / age: 19

Thérèse,où es-tu ?

Thomas,le petit frère de Thérèse se réveille en pleine nuit pour boire de l'eau. En passant devant la chambre de sa sœur, il remarque qu'elle n'y est pas. Voyant la fenêtre ouverte, il comprend que...

: 20:00 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Brogialdi Aneline / age: 13

Is it really you?

Your text   I have seen you before You look the same, you’ve aged a bit but you still have the same smile Is it really you?   Your eyes are blue like the ocean which roars with the wind Yet… they are...

: 19:23 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: María Willms / age: 14

One centimetre

One centimetre     Cold air, rough on my red cheeks Blood on my hands, which I made myself bleed If you saw me on the edge of death Would you take away the words you said?   Like a crow in the night you were...

: 18:57 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Chardome Ruben / age: 16

You left

You left       You left You left because the sky was too bright Because the clouds were too white You told me the silence was too bold  And the rain was getting cold   You left You left and...

: 18:54 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Chardome Ruben / age: 16

A poet's mind

  A poet’s mind     The pen is the translator of a torn-apart soul’s misery; The heart is waiting for the brain’s sudden epiphany; The vast white pages are the canvas for the falling, longing...

: 18:53 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Chardome Ruben / age: 16


Once was I a perfect being, a perfect son, a perfect boy Rosy cheeks and hopeful eyes, So much excitement so much yearning, Sitting atop a golden hilltop, Chiseling a prospicient future, but somewhere along the way, I got...

: 17:16 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Dey Arnit / age: 16

I thought I had the solution

I thought I had the solution “Ring ring ring.. Laying on the couch with my best friend Sara, I look over to see my phone shake as it lights up the dark room. Ring.. keeps vibrating, jumping up and down, I let out a sigh as I walk over....

: 16:42 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Simonyte Ruta / age: 16


Windswept, a short story   This story starts, as many do, on a Thursday in Spring, the flowers just starting to bloom brightly as the approaching sun tickles them with its rays, during a particularly dreary PE lesson.  Robin Preston...

: 16:22 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Ancora Marta / age: 15

The Ninth Wind

Sprouting faster than the forest's moss, Tulips drawing eyes from every stone, We were the same to the very last bone, We were the ocean and everything across.   But now we are the Sun and Moon, Comets that will never align...

: 16:17 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Cavuoto Sarah / age: 18

Unsinkable Society

Roaring water is approaching them fast; Relentlessly rushing through their running veins; Rapidly rising, the deadly flood, source of all their pains; The ruthless cold pressuring the rose to wither and join the past.   She may...

: 16:07 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Cavuoto Sarah / age: 18

Preacher liked the cold

I inspect the white fabric of my underwear and smile at the pure canvas between my legs. The piece of cotton twists around my limbs like poison ivy, and it tells me to stay seated. My finger follows the hem, and the dryness of my knickers makes me...

: 15:59 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Georges Leni / age: 19


Did you exchange my poles? Always a lonely star crossing others, Though surrounded by the same celestial bodies,  A lonesome light travelling the vacuum,  Driven by nothing but distant goals.   (You might have...

: 15:57 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Cavuoto Sarah / age: 18

Das Leben

Moien,Ech sinn aus dem Lycée NicBiver,aus der Klass 5C2 ,vun Madame Thill.Gedicht gouff vun mir an Dalia Licina geschriwen. LG Hana Licina& Dalia Licina Das Leben ist so zerbrechlich wie Glas, Manche beißen schon bald ins...

: 15:56 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Licina Hana / age: 15

The Body On The Dinner Table

“Dear father-”   The flickering light above makes me wonder if God is watching me.    It reminds me of all the blinking I did. On. Off. On. Off. Off. Off. Off. Turn it off. The light is taunting me, I swear, mummy....

: 15:54 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Georges Leni / age: 19

LA chute, Le déclin d’un monde

                     LA  chute Le déclin d’un monde Chapitre 1 La vérité dans le mensonge   Tout...

: 15:43 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Nys Charles / age: 12


Spaces  The artificial light leaves a stinging sensation in my eyes. It is only me and two other people on the bus, one of them a guy on his phone, his mist of Bleu de Chanel slithering through the air and up my nose. The other person, an...

: 15:14 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Clees Joy / age: 26

Kaltes Herz

Moien, mir sinn aus dem Lycée Nic Biever, aus der Klass 5C2 vun der mme.Thill. Gedicht geuf vun zweu Perseunen geschriwwen. LG. Skenderovic Ilda an Zeko Maria                  ...

: 14:31 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Skenderovic Ilda / age: 15

Nos secrets communs

  Nos secrets communs     Voilà, il ne me reste plus qu’à traverser le couloir. Ce fameux couloir qui nous distingue et qui nous condamne. Celui qui s’impose à nous en exposant nos...

: 13:56 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Moro Jeremy / age: 27


In der Schule herrscht immer nur unnötiger Stress Die Lehrer machen mit uns einen kurzen Prozess Prüfungen, Noten sind ein Desaster, Schüler träumen von einem etwas anderem Master.   Lasst uns unsere Meinung...

: 13:14 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Bohler Yann / age: 16

Elves of the seasons

  «Elves of the seasons» von Lea FAILLA   PROLOG Überall in der Kleinstadt war es dunkel, nur die Lichter der nahen Großstadt erhellten ab und zu einzelne Häuser. Aus einer vierstöckigen...

: 10:40 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: FAILLA Lea / age: 14

Das teuerste der Welt

Votre Das teuerste der Welt Das teuerste der Welt , Ist das, was nie entfällt.              Ihr Herz ist gefüllt mit Liebe, Die ich für immer...

: 10:05 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Wirtz Emilie / age: 15

Where Even The Light Daren’t Go

Where Even The Light Daren't Go The old, decrepit house, partially obscured by fingers of mist, grasping desperately at the air, loomed above the barren trees. What once must have been beautiful, ornate, white moulding had faded to a splotchy...

: 09:42 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: McGinty Ellie / age: 16


I can hardly deduce how much time I had left, frankly, how much time we all had left.     Mere minutes had passed since the instantaneous collapse, engulfing in a junk pile of hard, gray rocky rubble, as if we were in the eye of...

: 01:13 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Porwal Naman / age: 16

The Stages of Lamentful Art

Ambitio (Ambition)   I have long sought the perfect tale, the perfect picture, the perfect way to ooze my sorrow and dismay into a medium that may connect an unsuspecting victim to my harsh, desolate view on the world. A cold and...

: 00:14 Sun, 24 March 2024 / par: Schneider Jamie / age: 16

Rap gegen AfD

Votre texte...

: 23:02 Sat, 23 March 2024 / par: Schmit Jimmy / age: 15

Cartas de Guerra

Decorria o ano de 1964 em Portugal. Em Lisboa, mais precisamente no Cais da Rocha do Conde de Óbidos, partia o navio Vera Cruz a caminho do continente africano. A bordo da embarcação, viajavam cerca de 3500 militares ao...

: 20:44 Sat, 23 March 2024 / par: Chaves Tomás / age: 18

Perfekt oder defekt?

Gudden Mëtteg, mir sinn aus der 5C2 aus dem Lycée Nic Biever aus der Klass vun der Mme Thill.Mir hunn eist Gedicht zu 2 geschriwwen, mee mir kennen nemmen d'Donnéen vun engem vun eis zwee uginn. LG. Lena Kaiser an Léini...

: 18:57 Sat, 23 March 2024 / par: Gangler Léini / age: 15

The Call

[It is spring 1952, in a house in northern England. It is clearly a large house, but the scene is set in the living area] [JAMES, an 19-year-old unemployed man, is sitting at a desk, writing quickly, focused on his work. There is a phone in the...

: 18:49 Sat, 23 March 2024 / par: Foyster Jemima / age: 16

The Desert Planet

  THE DESERT PLANET Chapter 1: Looking through my window Hello, my name is James, I am 13 years old. I am an ordinary boy with an extraordinary story, which I will narrate in this book. It all started one regular, peaceful Tuesday...

: 18:41 Sat, 23 March 2024 / par: Spreafico Giacomo Bernardo / age: 14

Sur la ville

Ne prétends pas   Que le ciel là-haut S'égaiera Que sa peine sous sceau S'atténuera   Il pleut toujours sur la ville   Ne prétends pas   Que tout nuage...

: 14:59 Sat, 23 March 2024 / par: Bernier Nina / age: 19

Nocturne of perseverance

The classroom’s silence was so thick I felt as if I were suffocating. The only sounds were the frantic scribbling of my pen and the frustrated sighs escaping my lips. The problem glared at me, a fortress of integrals guarding the secrets of...

: 14:18 Sat, 23 March 2024 / par: Cho Liam / age: 17

Die einzige wahre Liebe

  Die einzige wahre Liebe   An jenem Abend wehte der Wind durch mein Haar,  Der Gedanke war mir in meinem Kopf glas klar, Du bist meine andere Hälfte, Du erwärmst mein Herz nach der ewigen...

: 11:50 Sat, 23 March 2024 / par: Antunes Bourgeois - Roef Gabrielle - Abygail / age: 16

Matin Noir

  Ma vie a changé après ce jour et elle n’a plus jamais été la même. Avant, ma vie était parfaite. Je vivais avec mes parents dans une petite maison en péripherie d’un village....

: 11:26 Sat, 23 March 2024 / par: Cepele Eva / age: 17


O meu coração alcançou velocidades nunca vistas antes  Maior do que a da luz  Muito muito maior  Tenho certeza que viajou por todos os multiversos  Por todos os meus versos  Tenho certeza...

: 11:19 Sat, 23 March 2024 / par: dos Santos Lima Lanna / age: 20

Os Cinco Estágios do Fogo

“(…)Eu possa me dizer do amor (que tive):Que não seja imortal, posto que é chamaMas que seja infinito enquanto dure.” -Soneto de Fidelidade, Vicicius de Moraes, 1939.   I Porque eu quero...

: 09:57 Sat, 23 March 2024 / par: Brodbeck Lisa / age: 18

The Portrait

The Portrait   The lonely portrait remembered its time of being in the vast manor, seeing busy people cleaning the weeds around it. The manor’s structure looked like a forbidden palace, but way smaller.    The...

: 09:34 Sat, 23 March 2024 / par: Cao Ruining / age: 16


It's just me and her now. Everyone had left. They took with them their judgemental glares. I felt like an outcast, a burden. I was left alone with my thoughts and my own guilt. The cemetery held rows of gravestones with flowers and inscriptions....

: 21:34 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Brizio König Heidi / age: 16


Memory In your hands my heart is held At your mercy; Not one beat can escape, Nor one thought or feeling Without you knowing.   I am trapped in my own cage, Where your twisted self holds the key To my...

: 19:42 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Lucile Rivron Martinelli / age: 16


Perspective 1: I was at my kitchen table eating Lucky Charms. Lucky Charms are my favorite cereal. I hate the grain bits, but the marshmallows are just so good.  My mom says I have to eat the grain bits, but I disagree. If the dog...

: 19:27 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Lindsey Charlotte / age: 16

A Ballerina

A vast stage of deep ebony, so dark it would seem infinite if not for the crisp reflections of bright stage lights, is framed by plush velvet curtains. An audience has drawn a deep breath as the pit orchestra sustains a single, watery note. A...

: 18:44 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Lindsey Charlotte / age: 16

The Butterfly

The Butterfly   A caterpillar crawls  Down the side of a leaf That wilts under her weight   She drops playfully To a branch below And dangles off the edge.   In contortionist moves She weaves a...

: 18:41 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Lindsey Charlotte / age: 16

The Portrait

Resting on a mantel lies a glossy photo in a thin spruce frame.  A family of four glows against the mottled blue backdrop of a mall photo kiosk; two parents stand behind a young boy and an older daughter.  The father’s smile is...

: 18:39 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Lindsey Charlotte / age: 16


L'Oiseau Tous les jours à ma fenêtre, se perche un oiseau. Dans son regard, je me vois reflétée, mais mes yeux ne brillent pas; ma bouche ne sourit pas; des larmes coulent doucement sur mes joues: l’oiseau voit...

: 14:28 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Lucile Rivron Martinelli / age: 16

The Grieving Man

The Grieving Man His hands were gently shaking His mind empty of hope His heart was slowly breaking, Stretched like a tightrope.   She’d left early in the morning, Said goodbye the night before; He knew she...

: 14:26 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Lucile Rivron Martinelli / age: 16


Perdue  Des pensées sombres, Torrent de nacre; Jaillissent, sans attente De mon cerveau.   Inconsciemment, je crée une bulle, Un havre de paix; Qui me protège, Tout en me séparant de...

: 14:24 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Lucile Rivron Martinelli / age: 16


Breathless   Everything is bottled up inside until I can’t take it anymore, I can’t  Breathe, There isn’t enough air, Everything around me is  Falling, the wind Blowing and...

: 14:21 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Lucile Rivron Martinelli / age: 16


  A group of tourists standing outside the attraction looking with curiosity and staring the object that is the special item of the day, glaring and staring at one another they held their gaze upon the object. Then one of the tourists asks...

: 12:56 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Rishi ashwyn Rishi / age: 17

Reality Check

  In a world full of enchanting skies a meadow filled with flowers lies. Light flapping wings of butterflies embracing their soft golden ties.   But in the meadow’s peaceful embrace a symphony whispers, as time...

: 12:13 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Pham Lucie / age: 17


Your text The deafening crack of the gun shattered the silence of the night, followed by a searing pain ripping through my stomach. Doubling over, I clutched at the wound, feeling warm blood seep through my fingers. There was no signal at all, no...

: 11:53 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Mazourine Matvey / age: 17

The exclusive bounty

The exclusive bounty   At the helm of the powerful "Skull trooper," a ship that had seen innumerable storms and looted countless valuables from the wide sea, was Captain Blackbeard. His stoic features were carved with purpose as he...

: 11:52 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Bryan Reichling / age: 16

The rusty old bike

It was a murky morning in the centre of amsterdam. The mist was back, settling in the streets as if she had never left, laying her damp touch upon the cobblestones, her fingers outstretched touching everything the eye could see. Her breath moved...

: 11:49 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Ford Barnaby / age: 16


Votre texte5c2 mir hunn daat bei mme thill gema Jugoslawien   1990 fing der Grieg an Die Rettung anderer Länder schreitet voran. Flüchtlinge rannten aus dem Land Vielen Politiker war es schon...

: 11:41 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Caetano Bilic Arianna / age: 15


The forest was atop a miniscule hill, far from cities, far from noise and hurriness. Sunlight shone generously onto the sky-reaching groups of trees. Specks of sunlight fell onto the forest floor through gaps between the large plants, allowing them...

: 11:41 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Zhang Duo / age: 16


I sit in silence. Though noises cut through all of space Inside this room, that’s full of empty minded My eyes now rest Upon the ones that rest on me One moment do, and then part ways, And only to return. My heart, not one...

: 11:40 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Sofia Grudnitckaia / age: 16

Unfinished Castle

No darkness sheds a doubt on me About the road that lies ahead, The continuity of progress I’m moving forward, step by step Creeping towards an empty castle Or maybe, just a crooked shed.   No light was ever in that...

: 11:36 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Sofia Grudnitckaia / age: 16

'I Realized It Was My Responsibility'

  Thursday, the tenth of January. Thursday is not a great day nor a horrible one. It is not the end of the week but it is not the beginning either. Something in between. My life was always like that. But, in the last couple of years my...

: 11:29 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Gavrilov Arsenii / age: 16

L’entre deux

L’entre deux- A l'heure où coulent tes rêves J'irai semer le jour.Quelle heure est-il là-bas ? J'irai je le jure,Labourer le bleu des nuits.Sais-tu que l'heure souffre ? Mais j'irai, Visser...

: 11:28 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Chevrier Priscille-Marie / age: 26

L’orage à Savudrija

L’orage à Savudrija-Qu’il serait doux,De rester là à attendre,La morsure sur ma peau,Le fer au fond des os,Qu’il serait doux d’attendre,L’ombre du monde en retour,L’inutile...

: 11:19 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Chevrier Priscille-Marie / age: 26

The Rapture

Among many things stuffed inside my tattered, foul old rucksack, my delicate handmade radio is the most imperative of the lot, strung together with barbed wire and duct tape half the time I’m glueing it back into one piece, and last week it...

: 10:18 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Schneider Jamie / age: 16

D'Sich nom Gléck

D'Sich nom Gléck All Dag vergeet esou schnell. Tëscht genéiss all Moment, lief am Elo; A plang deng Zukunft, maach dir Gedanken; bleift oft net vill a virun allem bleift keng Zäit fir glécklech ze...

: 09:56 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Miny Marie / age: 22

I Realised it was My Responsibility

Your text Dust was thick in the air as I clambered through the rubble as chaos broke out all around me. Sirens were blaring in the horizon as paramedics were running to and from the catastrophe behind me, frantically trying to help people,...

: 09:41 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Thomas Oliver / age: 16


In a relentless expense desert, under the scorching sun, Sarah stands in the middle of the ground, tiny like a star in space. Miles from the city, from civilization, nothing surrounded only sand and sky.  Sarah clicked the screen of her...

: 09:33 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Jiang Ella / age: 16


  Floating   As dawn stretches its golden fingers across the tranquil expanse of the lake, a mysterious ambience begins to unfold.  The water's surface seems to defy gravity, as if the lake itself has decided to shed its...

: 09:25 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Moran Ella / age: 16

The Portrait

  In the small shadowed corner of an antique shop, hidden behind dusty shelves and forgotten statues. Hung a large golden frame, containing a portrait of an aging lady. But no sweet grandma, an elderly woman with piercing green eyes and a...

: 09:25 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Gräfin von Oberndorff Sophia / age: 16


Floating It's a warm early morning, dawn creeping up behind the green forest as strands of light peek through the towering trees. In the quiet moments, as everyone still sleeps, a new day arose in Port Navas.    The darkness...

: 09:19 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Alice Ford / age: 16

Hidden Object

The deep forest stretched out around, like a green ocean filled with questions and mysteries. Giant heavy trees towering over one another, swaying softly through the gentle breath of air. A crispy breath filled with a scent of pine and wet wood....

: 09:11 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Gräfin von Oberndorff Sophia / age: 16

Embarking on Dreams

Embarking on Dreams   In the quietness of my room, I sat at my desk bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sun. The air hung heavy with anticipation as I stared at the email notification on my computer screen. With a mix of excitement...

: 09:05 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Erisen Luna / age: 16

The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower: As I approached the Eiffel Tower with a friend on holiday, I couldn't help but notice a diverse group of tourists gathered outside. Their excitement was contagious, filling the air with laughter and chatter. Understandably,...

: 09:02 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Wenzel Nicoletta / age: 16

The amusement park

The amusement park   A feeling of expectation enters the air when the amusement park’s gates open as the sun rises. The sun peaks over the horizon, throwing a warm glow on the exciting attractions inside. Families line up excitedly...

: 09:02 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Verstraeten Elise / age: 17

Help from an unusual source

Help from an unusual source   I was disoriented and lost in the middle of a dense forest, where sunlight was hardly able to break through the heavy leaf cover. The route markings had long since vanished behind a thicket of brush, and my...

: 09:02 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Brito Cenalmor Alvaro / age: 16


Tourists Outside an Attraction A disorderly queue, constructed by all eager, yet hungry tourists holding their place with confidence, snaked its way around the viewpoint of the magnificent landscape. Amidst the smell of suncream and distant cries...

: 09:01 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Bradford Isabelle / age: 16

There Was No Signal At All...

  There Was No Signal At All... The forest stretched out in front of us, a broad maze of trees and bushes. With each step, the world seemed to become more and more quiet. The sounds of cities and civilization faded into the air and left...

: 09:00 Fri, 22 March 2024 / par: Karlstedt Adrian / age: 16

Pilule Rose

Pilule Rose  Je la vois je la regarde je l’observe. Elle est là elle a toujours été là depuis mon premier jour dans cet endroit. Son parfum de fraise artificielle me monte au nez ne me quitte...

: 14:41 Thu, 21 March 2024 / par: Turquin Noémie / age: 17

Do outro lado da porta

Tudo estava a correr bem antes de apareceres na minha vida. Não me querendo exibir, mas tudo era perfeito!   Na escola ninguém me parava, as notas estavam a subir a uma velocidade estratosférica e eu nem...

: 20:48 Wed, 20 March 2024 / par: Delgado Tiago / age: 18


Fluppenwein Will ich weinen zur Fluppe oder Fluppe zum Wein Ich seh’ die Asche  Sie brennt ganz langsam Löcher in mein Kleid Rauchen bringt mich mich auf Ideen  Weiss dass du gehst Aber will dass du...

: 20:11 Wed, 20 March 2024 / par: Monroe C.J. / age: 20


Je pourrais te parler Des promesses faites au vent Que les bourrasques du temps  Ont disséminées Au passage Dans la plaine sacrée De nos âges   Je pourrais te parler De nos destins...

: 18:44 Wed, 20 March 2024 / par: Bernier Nina / age: 19

The goal is to live

What do humans need to survive?Water, food,some sleep. Basic things that should solve everything.They don’t.  Because we’re not living. For me, to live is to eat, surrounded by family,music in the backgroundthat...

: 17:05 Wed, 20 March 2024 / par: Blanco Giorgia / age: 16

Das letzte Licht

Der Hunger fraß ihn von innen auf, aber Aarian war bereits daran gewöhnt. Wie konnte er es nicht sein nach Jahren ohne eine anständige Mahlzeit oder einem Dach über dem Kopf. Anfangs dachte er, dass er den Hunger nicht...

: 12:02 Wed, 20 March 2024 / par: Schneider Louana / age: 15

a warped perception of my torn self

At times I wish to recede from reality;   To neatly fold into myself and metamorphose into a handsome, woolen coat Ironed and hung, inside the very back of an old wooden closet.   I would not have to meet the sight of my...

: 00:31 Wed, 20 March 2024 / par: Hadji Soumaya / age: 21

Tu mir das nicht an

Tu mir das nicht an Schon wieder wurde ich zum Jagen geschickt. Der Rest meiner Familie war die letzten Tage über schon gewesen, weshalb ich jetzt leider an der Reihe war. Bis auf ein paar Vögel war es hier im Wald immerhin ruhig. Von...

: 17:58 Tue, 19 March 2024 / par: Evers Louis / age: 15


    Reddizione.      Sei nella mia testa e non vuoi andartene.   In my heart, in my breath and my sight, Thy august look does benignly smile, Thy manly, smoky notes do ever beguile – But...

: 10:34 Mon, 18 March 2024 / par: MANONI Noëlle / age: 25


  Quiescence   Ears of oat grass gently dance in the morning, Rimed boughs sprawl when covered with dye. For none of them listens to the fragile mourning, For none of them bewails the foreign cry.   How...

: 10:33 Mon, 18 March 2024 / par: MANONI Noëlle / age: 25

A viagem

A Viagem (book 1)   POV Matilde Era 27 de Outubro de 2018 eu morava com a minha amiga numa casa um tanto quanto grande, para duas pessoas. No mesmo Dia estávamos sentadas cara a cara a almoçar até que me veio a...

: 00:09 Mon, 18 March 2024 / par: Guedes barbosa Matilde / age: 16


Votre texte Love?? School teaches us to never give up, so do our parents. They teach us to love and care for everyone we know but if they broke your heart more than twice, you just start giving up on that thing that people call...

: 23:59 Sun, 17 March 2024 / par: Guedes Barbosa Matilde / age: 16

Danser jusqu'au dernier pas

Danser jusqu’au dernier pas  Je m’appelle Lucy et j’ai peur, j’ai peur que ma personne préférée meure.  J’ai 15 ans, ma couleur préférée est le blanc, je...

: 20:39 Sun, 17 March 2024 / par: Richter Valentina Juliette Eileen / age: 13


Tell me, what are you afraid of?    Is it the darkness of the night,  you're facing alone, a whisp of fright,  of what might lurk in shadows deep,  in the silence, where whispers creep, echoing doubts of...

: 17:14 Sun, 17 March 2024 / par: Bringewald Julia / age: 19


I have always wished to be red. Resembling my passion, courage and sacrifice. The colour of the gaping hole in my underwear at the age of 12, that has never quite gone away. I embraced red, but deep down I never saw myself as such. I did not feel...

: 11:42 Sun, 17 March 2024 / par: Armuth Lili / age: 17


I visited a church today. I have never been much of a believer, yet today I closed my eyes and uttered a silent prayer. Not that I have ever prayed before, I can only hope that god was able to hear me in his own domain. I pressed my eyelids shut,...

: 11:33 Sun, 17 March 2024 / par: Armuth Lili / age: 17


A burning desire Every inch of my body, longing for her touch; The sensation, her fingertips sliding over my spine, I whisper You made me this way My world, slowly drained of sanity Her touch on my neck, wrist, even my spine and...

: 11:30 Sun, 17 March 2024 / par: Armuth Lili / age: 17

Utopia da adolescência

Utopia da Adolescência Levanto, descanso No canto, sem espanto À espera de uma nova vida Nova rotina que fatiga Insista, perdida, maldita O mesmo relógio na parede Todo o dia, sem descanso e sem...

: 18:04 Sat, 16 March 2024 / par: Sanches Alexandre / age: 18

Uncharted Realms Within

I am not who you think I am.   I am not a block of clay for you to mold however you see fit. I am not something you can shape, pick apart, and smooth back together to straighten out the edges that seem too rough or too sharp to you. I am...

: 03:04 Sat, 16 March 2024 / par: Michem Marie-Laure / age: 19

Inkbound Souls

As ink drips down on our paper while our fingers start to cramp from writing words. About how things can be unfair and about how the world hurts. Words become more than just words, as stories start to form. Creating somewhat of a calmness...

: 02:38 Sat, 16 March 2024 / par: Michem Marie-Laure / age: 19

Female rage.

Female rage.   I am a woman, I yearn to be pretty, to dress up and strut, without being shamed  for a gram too much, on my waist or the bags under my eyes, for an outfit, society, can't help but...

: 22:30 Fri, 15 March 2024 / par: Bringewald Julia / age: 19


Blanche   L’âge –c’est là souvent toute notre sagesse–   1   La neige te couvre comme un mauvais haillon, tu n’as souci des départs sur les quais – des...

: 20:51 Fri, 15 March 2024 / par: Rault Tobias / age: 19

Le traître

Cruel, sans vergogne ni honneur Le traître jamais ne connaîtra la saveur Du fruit acide, du fruit pur, Car si sa voix sait se teindre de miel A en faire chanter les oiseaux dans le ciel Son fruit à lui depuis...

: 16:28 Thu, 14 March 2024 / par: Bouzazi Asselbourg Nour / age: 16

De l’ailleurs

De l’ailleurs - Sans doute faut-il aller au-delà de cette étrange période,De ces ruelles ensommeillées qu’on arpente encore et encore,De ces cafés qu’on boit tièdes dans l’agitation...

: 12:24 Thu, 14 March 2024 / par: Chevrier Priscille-Marie / age: 26

Soirées languides

  Soirées languides -   On court les rues pavées le soir,Etroite folie des adieux,Juin intime, dans la volupté des nuits chaudes,On enveloppe les fiertés, Tard encore,Sur les terrasses,- On aime sans...

: 12:05 Thu, 14 March 2024 / par: Chevrier Priscille-Marie / age: 26


Fireworks  All does start with a tiny spark, Which is born into the icy dark. Sizzling along the shrinking fuse, It doesn’t even recognise its own use.   Thereupon, it gets forced, in a box full Of lies, truths...

: 16:33 Tue, 12 March 2024 / par: Trierweiler Tim / age: 19

Sonnet métaphysique

Sonnet métaphysique   –Sublime écrit de la pensée; tu es l’étang Où parmi l’essence divine, la nature Se sait Sagesse, où la dernière signature  T’as...

: 10:47 Tue, 12 March 2024 / par: Rault Tobias / age: 19

The battle of self-love

The battle of self-love Who would have thought that loving yourself could be so hard? The battle inside that no one sees, It’s harder than it seems, Fighting the demons inside my mind Hiding in a shell, afraid to...

: 11:51 Mon, 11 March 2024 / par: Jost Estefania / age: 17

Franglais, denglish et autre Wirrwarr!

Franglais, denglish et autre Wirrwarr! I entered the café, j’ai essayé de commander einen Milchkaffee. “Je voudrais un café au lait et un croissant, s’il vous plait!“ – „Card  or...

: 10:41 Mon, 11 March 2024 / par: Frank Cora / age: 24

Eu e o Mundo

Seu texto Eu e o Mundo Sou uma pessoa empática e comunicativa, por vezes também sou pensativa, dou por mim a pensar em temas da atualidade e a minha posição acerca deles. É disso que hoje venho falar aqui,...

: 23:13 Sat, 9 March 2024 / par: Rodrigues Setra Fabiana / age: 13

Ein seltsamer Wald

  “Komm schon! Wir kommen noch zu spät”, rief mein bester Freund mir zu. Wir waren auf dem Weg zur Schule wie jeden Morgen. Mein letzter Traum war schön gewesen. Ich saß auf einem Boot mitten im Meer...

: 11:56 Fri, 8 March 2024 / par: Da Silva Pinto Gabriela / age: 15

A confession of a granddaughter (One of a kind beast)

A confession of a granddaughter (One of a kind beast).    I’ve gotten multiple pieces of advice on how to write this poem.   – Add more emotions! – Take out a piece of paper and write down...

: 22:05 Thu, 7 March 2024 / par: Malova Daria / age: 20

Le caddie

  Ne confondons pas le carrosse royal, fendant les foules d’admirateurs et le caddie de grand-mère,éternel habitat de courses diverses.Le sort de ces deux entités, aussi absurde qu’il puisse paraître,...

: 11:57 Thu, 7 March 2024 / par: Rault Tobias / age: 19

Ech kann dat net

,,Ech kann dat net"   ,,Dat kann ech bestëmmt och net"   ,,Ech KANN dat NET an ech kéint et och net…"   ,,Mais ompfong, wat ass do net ze kennen?"    ,,Ech kéint dat...

: 09:52 Thu, 7 March 2024 / par: Radzina Aleksandra / age: 22

la mia vita nella ginnastica ritmica


: 13:09 Wed, 6 March 2024 / par: Colapietro Chiara / age: 13

Ein Streichholz im Dunkeln

  Ein Streichholz im Dunkeln.    Pure Finsternis!   Doch nur auf den ersten Blick. Wenn du weiter nachforschst, findest du es!  Es kämpft gegen seinen...

: 13:00 Wed, 6 March 2024 / par: Vico Sommer Izan / age: 13

The best hours of my life

And then you looked at me without trying to hide. I've begged you to let me live, but you don't listen, you don't understand. A stubborn foul-mouthed person never understands. You just want to destroy me. That's your way of loving me, I know....

: 07:15 Mon, 4 March 2024 / par: Herrera Peña Daribel / age: 16

Marianne, la fleuriste...

Marianne, la fleuriste...  Marguerites, tulipes, tournesols, lilas et bien d'autres encore; tant à choisir et me voici dans la fleuristerie attendant avec impatience ton arrivée. Me dirais-tu que je suis excessive si tu me...

: 18:07 Sun, 3 March 2024 / par: Herrera Peña Daribel / age: 16

Je rêvais..

   Je rêvais de nous deux, je rêvais d'être avec toi, je rêvais de me coucher sur l'herbe dans tes bras et de simplement sentir que je suis en sécurité avec toi. Je rêvais de me vanter de...

: 12:13 Sun, 3 March 2024 / par: Bastião Rodrigues Thomas / age: 16


I think I’m beginning to like this little life of mine.  Not in the way that I’m happy everyday, but in the way that waking up doesn’t feel like a burden anymore. In a way, that my heart doesn’t hurt with every breath...

: 09:54 Fri, 1 March 2024 / par: Klein Schwager Lana / age: 18

Truth Will Hurt

Votre texte   It was Friday the 11th of 2011. Time is money, and I ran between cars and people, pushing towards my freedom. Headphones blaring in my ears, I drowned out the noise of the city around me, accelerating my pace until...

: 15:32 Thu, 29 February 2024 / par: Schabes Elisa / age: 17

“O Passado é História, o Futuro é mistério e o Presente é uma dádiva, por isso é que se chama presente”

Não sei o quanto será comum apresentar no título de uma redação uma frase citada por outrem. No entanto, li há pouco tempo esta afirmação dita por um personagem do Kung Fu Panda enquanto dava...

: 22:47 Tue, 27 February 2024 / par: Gonçalves Sobrinho Márcia / age: 18

Maw of an Animal

I am screaming. At the top of my lungs  I am yelling. Contorted and bent beyond recognition My body curls on the bed sheets, On the mattress Whose body has been mangled too By the darkest ideas that tumble Noiselessly...

: 13:55 Sat, 24 February 2024 / par: Siebens Hanne / age: 17

Caminhos Divinos

Divinópolis era uma pequena vila à beira-mar, onde as ondas sussurravam segredos antigos, e as gaivotas dançavam nos céus, refletindo uma aparente serenidade. A vida dos seus habitantes era moldada por crenças e...

: 21:42 Thu, 22 February 2024 / par: Armando João Alves Taveira Pereira Armando / age: 13

In memory of

The day the traffic light didn’t turn green, everything stopped. A silence filled the car, a thrumming. The sound was best described as intentionally holding your breath, excitedly trapping as much air as you can hold inside, then...

: 12:58 Wed, 21 February 2024 / par: Glesener Mona / age: 15


  Pensées   Ce soir, je me sens inspirée Ce soir, je me sens concernée Ce soir, je me sens impliquée Dans ma vie que je peux oublier.   Submergée par le quotidien...

: 07:39 Thu, 15 February 2024 / par: Camerlynck Chiara / age: 26

Poème heureux

  Poème heureux   Je vais essayer d’écrire D’écrire un poème heureux Avec des gens heureux Qui sont en train de rire   La vie est belle Et je suis éternelle...

: 07:31 Thu, 15 February 2024 / par: Camerlynck Chiara / age: 26


Le voyage   Le voyage est ma thérapie Ma thérapie contre la maladie Ma thérapie contre l’ennui Ma thérapie contre la solitude.   Je me sens libre Libre de vivre Libre...

: 07:30 Thu, 15 February 2024 / par: Camerlynck Chiara / age: 26

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae   Dass ech elo hei stinn a fir iech performen, huet mech Courage kascht an zwar enormen. E klengen Abléck a mäi Liewen, dee ginn ech dir. Hal dech gutt fest, well et geet mat Vollgas no...

: 15:25 Tue, 13 February 2024 / par: Schloesser Yulisa / age: 24

Der rote Drache

Er beschützte mich, als ich im Kindergarten ausgelacht wurde, spielte mit mir im Pausenhof, der zu einem Ort mit unzähligen Abenteuer wurde. Gemeinsam erkundeten wir die Rutsche die sich sogleich in einen Regenbogen verwandelte. Er war...

: 13:48 Tue, 13 February 2024 / par: Salomon-Siebenaller Toni / age: 16

Whispers of the Heart

In the quiet corners of Serenity Grove, Lily, a soulful and introspective young woman, found herself captivated by the enigma of life's intricacies. She often wandered through the labyrinths of existential questions, pondering the complexities that...

: 17:13 Wed, 7 February 2024 / par: Laamiri Douae / age: 19

das Epos

das Epos   Für manche war er ein Held,Für manche ein Tyrann,Wie war sein Name in aller Welt,War er wirklich vergessen von jedermann? Gilgamesh nannte man ihn,König Uruks, großer König der Sumerer,in jenem Land...

: 08:32 Fri, 2 February 2024 / par: Barnellini Loredana / age: 18

Is Artificial Intelligence truly intelligent?

Is Artificial Intelligence truly intelligent? by BUDA Angelo   “I don't possess true intelligence or consciousness. I am a machine learning model, specifically GPT-3.5, created by OpenAI. While I can generate human-like text...

: 11:58 Thu, 1 February 2024 / par: Buda Angelo / age: 18

deux soeurs célestes

Le soleil, la lune, deux sœurs célestes La reine du feu et du bonheur, La reine des claires ténèbres Deux sœurs avec une tendresse nette   Jamais possible de se voir, elles suffraient...

: 18:15 Mon, 29 January 2024 / par: Lapusneanu Alexandra / age: 16

Marché de noël

Je sens bien que ça ne va pas. Je le sens et pourtant je l'ignore. Je l'ignore un temps et maintenant ça explose. Plus rien ne semble me plaire. Je veux m'arrêter. Vite. Arrêter le carnage. Je...

: 03:03 Fri, 26 January 2024 / par: DUBUIS Kerian / age: 20

Mir wëlle bleiwe wat mer sinn

Ich schreibe in einer Sprache, die nicht die meine ist. Ich habe das Alphabet mit ihr gelernt: A wie Anton nicht wie Andjelkovic B wie Berta nicht wie Bregovic und C wie Caesar und nicht wie Ceca. Meine Muttersprache: Serbisch...

: 10:17 Tue, 23 January 2024 / par: Andjelkovic Sara / age: 27

I am a poet

I am a poetBut I do not want to be.I want to be a writer.I want to create worlds so vivid you feel like you are actually there.You wish that you were actually there.I want to create characters you will love and hate and feel for and feel with.And...

: 12:01 Mon, 22 January 2024 / par: Schockmel Jana / age: 21

Der blinde Spiegel

Das Herrenhaus thronte scheinbar schon immer auf dem Hügel hinter dem Dorf. Die von Efeu umschlungenen Backsteinmauern wirkten wie verwachsen mit dem felsigen Grund, so als hätte sie Mutter Natur höchstpersönlich in die von...

: 18:42 Sat, 20 January 2024 / par: Loes Melanie / age: 26

(UN)SOCIAL MEDIA or the consumption of empty promises

Un jour tu t’achètes, un jour tu aimesUn jour tu jettes, mais un jour tu payesUn jour tu verras, on s’aimeraMais avant on crèvera tous comme des rats– Carmen, Stromae, 2015 Un jour tu jettes, mais un jour tu payes...

: 15:13 Sat, 20 January 2024 / par: Kisch Raquel / age: 21

Sich Versöhnen

Votre texte Die beiden nahmen nicht unweit von mir Platz auf der Terrasse. Er seufzte erleichtert auf, nahm seine Kappe ab und streckte sich in alle Richtungen, sie schaute sich zuerst um, nahm die ganze Terrasse mit allen Gästen,...

: 10:22 Sat, 20 January 2024 / par: Di Santolo Luca / age: 27

out the window

out the window   I used to look out the window from my English class and see the outside world and think of all the ways I could leave school until one day I just didn’t show up because I wasn’t well enough...

: 18:17 Tue, 16 January 2024 / par: Fagan Laura / age: 19

The art of drawing wings with black blood

The art of drawing wings with black blood. By Sofia Alami-Laroussi   You turn around and everything behind you is an empty and painful dead space made with black blood, in that darkness you can notice certain attributes that are...

: 18:05 Tue, 16 January 2024 / par: Alami Laroussi Sofia / age: 22

A nihilistic, humanistic and dark imaginary philosophical point of view, the short writing

A nihilistic, humanistic and dark imaginary philosophical point of view, the short-writing. By Sofia Alami-Laroussi The world is a dark, cold and burning physical reality, humanity is a huge herd of demons living at the expense of that...

: 17:21 Tue, 16 January 2024 / par: Alami Laroussi Sofia / age: 22

The dark realm of solitude

Votre texte The dark realm of solitude. (2023)  By Sofia Alami-Laroussi   Lack of love is a curse, especially if you want to escape it and be at peace with yourself, especially when you want to be surrounded by an imaginary and...

: 17:04 Tue, 16 January 2024 / par: Alami Laroussi Sofia / age: 22

Un vecchio rincontro, nuove scoperte

  Sono cresciuta, attraverso traumi e separazione dei miei genitori, però sono qui a raccontare chi sono diventata. Avendo sperato da poter essere quella ragazzina iperattiva e solare, malgrado tutte gli differenti dispiaceri in tutto...

: 10:49 Tue, 16 January 2024 / par: Battaglia Mariah / age: 19


  Confiance   Stress,angoisse, déception  Insomnie, opportunisme,trahison Voilà à quoi nous mène ce lien Qui nous apporte absolument rien.   Au lieu de nous amener du...

: 14:36 Sun, 14 January 2024 / par: Camerlynck Chiara / age: 26

La vie, le (non) sens

C'est de nouveau la première fois La première fois que je pense à toi Que je rève de toi ô liberté sauve-moi!   Je ne sais pas où je vais Quand je vais Pourquoi je...

: 14:32 Sun, 14 January 2024 / par: Camerlynck Chiara / age: 26

Die fliegende Giraffe

Heute haben sich bei schlechtem Wetter wieder alle wichtigen Figuren des Hofes in der Kirche versammelt. Der Arzt, der Landshuter, wie auch der Mann der Münze sitzen ruhig da und hören die Musik des Kantors, Evelyn. Seit Generationen schon...

: 22:44 Sat, 13 January 2024 / par: Chantre Da Luz Yannick / age: 26

Grâce matinale.

I.J’ai surpris l’aube blanche Cachée Au fond de ma paume Fuyant La grisaille du matin Somnolente Elle s’est faufilée Farouche Par mon âme trempée de...

: 17:25 Fri, 12 January 2024 / par: Karacs Diana / age: 19

7 Minuten LuxDeFrenGlish

Schéine gudde Moien,Mëtteg Owend. Ech hoffe Ierch geet et esou gutt wéi mir. Vu qu´on n’a que 7 minutes, ne trainons pas et plongeons-nous dans ma dernière création. Pace your ears to listening speed:...

: 21:53 Thu, 11 January 2024 / par: Lee Hippert / age: 24

Un Vecchio rincontro, nuove scoperte

Un vecchio rincontro, nuove scoperte     Sono cresciuta, attraverso traumi e separazione dei miei genitori, però sono qui a raccontare chi sono diventata. Avendo sperato da poter essere quella ragazzina iperattiva e solare,...

: 23:08 Tue, 9 January 2024 / par: Battaglia Mariah / age: 19

Peace or War

Peace comes in the room crying : “I’m so bad at this. Everybody is just… fighting. I want them to stop ! Nothing worked ! I-I don’t know what to do anymore. I tried everything ! War sat at the table and...

: 19:07 Tue, 9 January 2024 / par: Wirion Anouk / age: 18

Quatre gouttes d’illusion

Votre texte I. Amour Dans tes bras La couleur de l’illusion A tinté la rose blanche De mes espérances En tulipe noircie Âme flétrie Par le poids de nos...

: 01:07 Fri, 5 January 2024 / par: Karacs Diana / age: 19

Une vieille rencontre, une nouvelle découverte

Une vieille rencontre, de nouvelles découvertes   J'ai grandi, à travers traumatisme et séparation de mes parents, mais je suis ici pour dire qui je suis devenue. Ayant espéré pouvoir être...

: 13:42 Wed, 3 January 2024 / par: Battaglia Mariah / age: 19