Moran Ella





As dawn stretches its golden fingers across the tranquil expanse of the lake, a mysterious ambience begins to unfold. 

The water's surface seems to defy gravity, as if the lake itself has decided to shed its earthly bonds and embrace the ethereal. 

The first hint of this otherworldly occurrence manifests in the gentle ripples that dance on the lake's surface. They start as delicate whispers, causing the water to shimmer like liquid silk. 

Gradually, the ripples grow bolder, weaving a mesmerising tapestry of movement that extends in all directions. The lake, once a mirror reflecting the surrounding landscape, now becomes an ever-shifting canvas of undulating patterns.

As the sun ascends higher in the sky, its warm rays caress the water's surface, coating it into a slow and graceful ascent. It's as if the lake has discovered the secret language of the wind, and in response, it rises, defying the laws of nature. 

The water appears weightless, suspended in mid-air, a delicate ballet of liquid that entrances any watcher. 

Birds, startled by the unusual beauty before them, circle overhead, their wings casting shadows on the shimmering surface below. The air is filled with the soft rustle of feathers and the haunting melody of their calls. 

As the day unfolds, a floating girl gradually retreats, leaving the lake to return to her serene, grounded state.

 Yet, the memory of this enchanting phenomenon lingers, a whispered secret shared between the lake and the fortunate souls who witnessed the ethereal scene of floating. 


By Ella Moran

66909: 09:25 Fri, 22 March 2024 par: Moran Ella age: 16