Brizio König Heidi


It's just me and her now. Everyone had left. They took with them their judgemental glares. I felt like an outcast, a burden. I was left alone with my thoughts and my own guilt.

The cemetery held rows of gravestones with flowers and inscriptions. It was a quiet place, filled with memories and stories of those who passed. Time seemed to stand still. Tears blurred my vision as all the memories came flooding back. 

I couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of guilt that consumed me. 

Each flower placed upon her casket felt like an accusation, each tear shed by mourners around me felt like a condemnation. I wanted to scream, to rage against the unfairness of it all, but the words stuck in my throat, choking me with their bitterness.

My hands were trembling violently as I looked down at her resting place. 

I couldn’t get there in time, I could have prevented all of this.

My thoughts wandered back to that evening when she grasped her chest struggling for air, her eyes wide with fear. I felt a surge of panic too, my heart racing in unison with hers as I searched for the car keys to reach the hospital on time. As we sped through the streets each passing minute felt like a countdown making me realize that safeguarding her and ensuring her well being was my responsibility. In that moment of realisation, the weight of my failure crushed me.

Upon reaching the hospital I rushed her to the emergency room, pleading with the staff to do everything in their power to save her and bring her back to me. Unfortunately it was already too late. The doctors shook their heads solemnly while their words seemed distant and incomprehensible as my world crumbled into shattered fragments. Her hand slipped from mine, her eyelids closing gently and at that instant I understood that I had let her down. My failure lay in not being able to protect her and preserve her life.

Now, as I stood before her final resting place, the weight of my guilt threatened to consume me whole. I had promised to love and protect her, to be her rock in times of trouble. But in her darkest hour, I had faltered, and now she was gone, lost to me forever.

In the blink of an eye everything had changed. And I realised it was my responsibility. I knew that no amount of tears or apologies could ever bring her back, could ever erase the guilt that gnawed at my soul. 


66909: 21:34 Fri, 22 March 2024 par: Brizio König Heidi age: 16