Dey Arnit


Once was I a perfect being, a perfect son, a perfect boy

Rosy cheeks and hopeful eyes,

So much excitement so much yearning,

Sitting atop a golden hilltop,

Chiseling a prospicient future,

but somewhere along the way,

I got lost.


Navigating these paths in life

with an upside-down map,

A constant whirlwind of obstacles

slapping me across the face,

Where did that hope go you may ask,

Lost in the cavernous realms of reality.

A heart heavy with the nuances of life,

Fatigue and resentment, my main anchors.

A heart gone cold?

No, a heart gone old.



In this vessel put on this earth,

Who steers when all is lost?

Tossed out at sea

Unfortunately, there’s no saviour,

Just belief..that’s what makes you,

For it has always been your call.

Rediscovered when all is lost,

Reassembled when all is broken,

Rekindled when the light has all but gone,

Reconstructed when all of you has changed.


140: 17:16 Sun, 24 March 2024 par: Dey Arnit age: 16