Blanco Giorgia

The goal is to live

What do humans need to survive?
Water, food,
some sleep. 

Basic things that should solve everything.
They don’t. 

Because we’re not living.

For me, to live is to eat, 
surrounded by family,
music in the background
that keeps a smile in our faces.
Dancing lightly
and singing around the dining table.
Colours from my home
buried so deep into my subconscious 
that it keeps me feeling alive. 

Because that’s what we do, where I’m from
Or what I think we should all do.

We should live with bright colours,
like a late spring sunrise 
listening to the beat of the drums, 
eating ‘arepas con carne’ until we pass out.
Only to wake up drooling on the couch
to more music
more food
and more heat

Cause god, the heat is the key.
The heat that makes it hard to breath, 
Heaving loudly in hopes that heaven never ends. 
It’s what keeps us pushing
What lights the passion to keep on living,
not surviving.

The heat of the beach, 
the sun glaring from above,
trying to play hide n’ seek with you
But in the end, it’s what we live for.

Because what do humans need to live?
For me, it’s my experiences that I live for 
My past that has shaped me
and pushes me to be better
To surpass my expectations
To try each day harder than the last
To embrace everything that I’ve got

That’s what my family and culture has taught me
To fight for what we want
To be present in the moment 
To eat and dance and enjoy life 
as it moves along
To live, not survive.


66909: 17:05 Wed, 20 March 2024 par: Blanco Giorgia age: 16