
Maxime Heim

The Episode of August 7th

Many a man thinks that life is merry,

That every day should be lived to the fullest

They think that even when the world is burning

you should waltz your way to the other side

They forget the promise of existence:

All there is will always end, and

There is no dance; no competition

There is always the option to simply walk

The world will not be less scorched for it

All we see, all we are, ignited in and out

This torch will never burn out

Why run as rats in the obscene race of life

when the mad walk as men above crawling stains


Many a man thinks that life is merry,

I know that mine is not a performance

So I will not dance I will not race I

Will breathe the obscene and I walk to my bitter end

Maddened and drunk with a bottle of booze in my hand.


Envoyé: 12:04 Fri, 29 October 2021 par: Maxime Heim