
Rivron Martinelli Lucile

Why did you leave me?

Once upon a time
I came to understand
That you would leave me 
Sooner than I thought.

All of our adventures
All the things we planned
Have faded into nothingness
As you stepped to the other side.

I knew you would leave me one day
But I never thought it could be now.

Oh why did you leave me with a broken heart?
Oh why did you step to the other side?
Please come back to me!
I’ll never survive without you.
Every time I look at the stars
I see you looking at me from far above.
Watching me as I swim further and further into the seas of Grief.

Oh why did you leave me with a broken heart?
Oh why do you make me feel all this pain?

It’s suffocating,
I’m devastated,
But I will fight it
For you.


Envoyé: 17:42 Tue, 14 March 2023 par: Rivron Martinelli Lucile