
Lagodny Elena


A person is a piece of art, carefully collected. In different forms one can be smart, if by helping, learning, earning. Shadings come with time. Colors can only stand out depending on the time. Finding the right materials to incorporate is a challenge and sometimes one wants to not draw and paint at all. Leaving a canvas blank is easy, but results in a feeling of blandness and dissatisfaction. Sometimes it takes time for colors to appear and as time goes by understanding which colors one wants to use gets harder. Nobody ever said that art is simple. Now, there is no point in real art, maybe that is its meaning, but the more time one invests in it, the more a feeling of growth will engulf one. Funnily enough, and this will always be, a portrait can never see itself. It thinks of itself as a caricature of a being with simple strokes and hardly any shading, neglecting the fact that others see more and always look at a slightly changed piece. Not everyone likes the brush used to form their cheeks, nose and heart. Only some will ever take the time to truly discern a portrait's  palette. Some will use its tones to make theirs brighter, others will feel pale beside it and the ones that truly looked and understand the composition will eventually resemble it more and more. The portrait itself will resemble them too, resulting in a piece of art far more complex than before. The beautiful phenomenon is, that not only for the creator, but for the onlookers too, art is infinite. It can be difficult understanding the way art attracts and the way lookers seem to see. However, as all is subjective, it eventually works out. 


Envoyé: 14:04 Fri, 5 November 2021 par: Lagodny Elena